Our Projects
We are in the final stages of this humanitarian and environmental project “RETURN TO NATURE”.
We have been transforming a 50 acre property nestled in the side of an extinct volcano in the Australian Northern Rivers. We’ve been creating an eco sustainable retreat and healing centre.
Providing guests with the experience of living in harmony with the Earth to create balance within ourselves. The dwellings are made from organic earth, mud brick, cob and local timbers which allows the room to breathe with you, creating healthy spaces for the courageous to experience our darkness retreats as the Earth provides relieving solitude from the outside world. A space for us to learn how to heal ourselves and connect with our higher selves for growth and expansion, natural 5-MeO-DMT activation and transformation.
We offer retreats, services and events to provide financial physical emotional sovereignty, pure embodiment and universal awakening. This eco haven transforms the lives of those who visit. Away from the city we unplug, unwind, remember and return transformed, inspired, empowered, spacious and open to receiving more love.
It is our hope that RETURN TO NATURE releases suffering of the body, spirit and collective hive mind, whilst inspiring guests to pursue their dreams whilst learning preserve beautiful natural sustainable environments. The outer world is a reflection of our inner world.
With the embodiment of self care, respect and personal accountability in this supportive energetically safe space with a connected heart based community, we can transform anything and everything and facilitate the liberation of all beings.
Resonate foundation was assisting the Indigenous Mexica tribe to reclaim and restore native land in Mexico.
Assisting in land regeneration to grow Native American healing plants and support the building of a sustainable community for all to come and share their time, energy and wisdom.
Visitors can participate in:
• Land cultivation
• Learn about the Ancient healing plants
• Ancient astrology
• Native time space dimensions
• Mexica astrological calendars
• Elemental energy
• Native sustainable building techniques
• Plant Medicine
• Creating sacred space
• Living connected to the Earth and the elements.
To be apart of this project you can either:
Donate money to assist the project
Donate your time and energy to help build the centres and or work in the regeneration of the plants.
Twice a year we accompany a small group of individuals who share the vision of a global family, to the Mexico so that we can work together to benefit other humans and the Earth.
During this time in the Desert we will be:
Included as part of this tribe, our global family where we work side by side in the gardens to grow healing plants.
Educated on the healing plants and have the opportunity to try them for your own physical, mental, energetic, ancestral and emotional healing.
Learn how these plants can assist you in the evolution of your life, your self worth, compassion for yourself, for all beings and how to really care for our planet and our waters.
Experiencing a natural expansion of your gifts and abilities that maybe be dormant.
Working as part of the community and with the plants which allows your heart to burst open so that you can experience new levels of love and appreciation for all parts of yourself.
Learning and experiencing a deeper love for all our relations and new found respect and care for the planet and the waters.
Assisting with building the Cultural centre. Whilst learning and sharing in the ancient holding techniques that have stood since the Pyramids.
Learning how to create Ancient Elemental practices in your daily life.
Resonate Foundation has previously invested in projects that Resonate similar mission statements to support humanity and or environmental flourishing.
Supporting the Yawanawa Tribe (The people of the wild bore) in the Amazon of Brazil. The Yawanawa’s support the earth, humanity, the Amazon jungle and native plant medicines.
We have supported the Yawanawa’s with:
Project 1 – Clean water project. We invested to help create a water tower to capture clean water for the village.
Project 2 – Yawanawa sewerage system. Invested created toilets and sewerage system for tribe and guests.
Project 3 – Supported one of the head tribeswomen “Wazy” to fund her study of the medicine, Ayahuasca for 1 year.
You can support the Yawanawa Life Plan through the Awavena website. By purchasing their jewellery 100% of the proceeds go to the Yawanawa Life Plan.
Water pumps Nepal
Invested in creating water pumps for clean drinking water for remote communities in Nepal. We were lucky enough support the three villages with supply of fresh water and education on life saving hygiene practices.
South Africa Education:
Supported a school that feeds every child three vegan meals daily. We helped supply educational supplies and funding to support education of local children.
Mother Teresa’s Orphanage Varanasi India:
Mother Teresa created orphanages to provide love and care to millions of neglected, deformed and tortured orphans in India. The nuns care for, nurture and love the babies and children that others couldn’t even look at.
Some of the children found new caring parents and homes. Many did not and remained in the love and care of the nuns. We invested to support the growth of an orphanage, to improve the quality of life and care for the children.
African Tribeswomen Table Banking
We invested to create a banking system for the tribeswomen. Our funds created a banking model and subsequent education about the system for the tribes women so that they could afford education, healthcare and essentials to get them and their children out of poverty.
Invested in the creation of this eco retreat build solely on Cryptocurrency for creatives to res,t reset, live to nurture the soul and create new world ideas for the new earth.
Care flight
An Australian charity flying urgent medical treatment to kids in rural areas by helicopter. This service provides paramedics to those who would die without treatment. We have invested in Care Flight since 2009 and continue this investment in the future as it allows this vital charity to keep saving lives.
Namibian Village
We have been investing to support the education of their children, sustainable farming practices for the village, livestock, hygiene education and clean water pumps for a village in Namibia. This access has had an increase in quality of life and the lifespan of it’s community. We have been supporting them since 2011 and continue to into the future.
Sustainable Salons Australia
An incentive that supports the education and recycling of salon waste within Australia.
Examples of their epic work include:
Recycling hair and using it to make wigs for kids going through chemotherapy
Making short hair into massive nets and using them in oil spills in the ocean. The hair hair acts like a sponge so the oil is captured and can be reused
Donating funds to OzHarvest to feed those less fortunate and homeless people globally
Recycling chemical waste into water for roads, foil back into foil and plastic into packaging
Restoring appliances to prevent them going into landfill and the ocean and
Restoring plant waste into compost
We have supported SSA since 2011 and will continue to in the future.
Who Gives A Crap
50% of their profits go to building toilets, sanitation care, education and training in developing countries. WGAC don’t cut down trees to make their toilet paper they use 100% recycled paper to help the Earth so we have to support them!
We have been using their products since 2018 and will continue to in the future.
Palliative Care Upgrades
The improvement of the care, support and nutrition for patients within the palliative care system. For humans to die with dignity and be cared for with integrity.
Nursing Care Upgrades
The upgrade of supportive, nutritious foods and stimulating programs to support fun mental strengthening and quality of life. Gardens and local projects for the elderly to remain a part of community. Classes on writing their autobiographies and sharing their knowledge with younger generations.
Drug Rehabilitation Centres
To upgrade the system already in place to include highly nutritious, self healing practices and self care for greater rates of recovery.
Recycling Centres Australia
Upgrade national facilities to include recycling of more waste. Implementing national education to reduce waste, recycle what’s possible and then plan for Australia to cease creating new plastics so we can use what we have and move forward for packaging that is sustainable. Recycle all forms of waste to include all plastics, metals, foods scraps, garden waste, paper, glass, homewares, materials and so on.
Certified Organic Planet
This is a Ninja project. This project is to spray a 100% organic, toxicity clearing product across all continents & seas. The planes fly over areas and spread this organic product across the planet to neutralise toxic waste, nourish and regenerate the soil back to it’s purest organic state. These 2 products draw ALL toxic waste from the ocean as well as the land and turns it into plant matter/healthy fish food. Yes this product exists right now.
Creating Organic Communities.
Old mine sites are used and repurposed into the lush land it once was.
We clean and replenish the soil using lignite (the product mentioned above), redesign and create 100% fully sustainable communities for the original custodians and those disadvantaged. A re-education on the dynamics of community living. Biodynamic principles are taught for food farming to support all the community. This diverse community supports its people to live with respect, in harmony with each other, their land and native animals.
A collaboration for peace and sovereignty. New world education, real health prevention and a trade-based community learning and implementing native ways to care for the land.
Indigenous Language Program & Indigenous Share Centres
National campaign to learn native language and educate it in our local communities. A free community based service allowing access to learn the Original language of the land. A national education program to be rolled out in schools.
Murray Darling River
Australia’s largest waterway is being devastated by unnecessary industry and outdated laws that support industries over humans and native title.
We as the custodians of this land can create the change needed to support the original custodians of the Murray Darling as well as the native plants and animals. Your support will go towards changing the laws, making the Murray Darling Documentary to educate and support positive changes that will keep this river as the flowing heart of Australia.
Clean Water Pumps Global
Teams of people providing clean water to communities in need. A simple water pump can be installed for as little as $4000 USD. This project makes that happen with quality pumps in short amounts of time. Where possible we also support with education of sustainable biodynamic farming practices for community health and nutrition as well as hygiene education for preventable disease and increased lifespan.
Green Cities Project
We incentivize educate and implement simple sustainable practices within corporate buildings. Building upgrades to save money and most importantly have immediate positive impact on health, nutrition and well-being, poverty, air quality and water quality.
Each building can support the wellness and food nutrition of an indigenous community whilst saving money for their business and having positive impact on the environment. Examples: simple reconfiguration of their space can allow for their glass windows to be utilised as greenhouses to grow vertical gardens of organic fruits and vegetables. Sustainable sewerage systems can be implemented for cleaner oceans. Water/hydrogen energy devices can to used for all their power requirements.
Organic Plant Based Fast Food & Meditation Shops
Organic healing foods available around the globe with quality organic nutritious food, delivered with speed and healing properties within spaces that support mental health. A place for people to be educated on healing themselves through certified organic nutrient dense high vibration food and learn the practice of meditation. A safe healing meditation space is provided to practice meditation whilst your meal is prepared. We provide individual headsets with guided meditations to choose from depending on your experience and individual requirements.